smartHeat – A system as if cast from one mould

Stufenlose Modulation

With the standard introduction of the IC 4000 automatic control in all heating systems, Schwank has achieved another milestone in the field of heating systems.

With the standard introduction of the IC 4000 automatic control in all heating systems, Schwank has achieved another milestone in the field of heating systems. The new IC 4000 automatic control forms the brain of every Schwank heating system.

It is equipped with ModBus as standard. With the ModBus technology, the devices can be easily included in the control unit and, if necessary, combined into newly defined control loops with multiple devices, without having to make changes to the hardware. Above all, the ModBus technology ensures excellent monitoring. All the important parameters of each individual device can be read, for instance. Whether consumption, power output or current status – this newly created system transparency creates the basis for detailed analysis and consumption data and for an optional integrated remote maintenance module.

There are several advantages in combination with the SchwankControl Touch, the – we can proudly claim – most innovative Schwank control system for infrared building heating systems. All information obtained via the IC 4000 is displayed on the SchwankControl Touch in a user-friendly and clearly arranged manner on the touchscreen. In the reverse process, an authorised user can make detailed system settings on the device using the SchwankControl Touch and the IC 4000 automatic control. This ensures the best system efficiency and availability and significantly increases the ease of use for the user. SchwankControl Touch and IC 4000 can be integrated into most building management systems.


Plus d'informations

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Stufenlose Modulation

smartHeat – A system as if cast from one mould


With the standard introduction of the IC 4000 automatic control in all heating systems, Schwank has achieved another milestone in the field of heating systems.

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